
英语四六级第二阶段第一时段 报名截止 11月19日-20日口试 12月10日笔试 正是紧张备考时 珞珞珈珈拍了拍你 并送上一份魔法“备考题” 快来一起对“暗号”吧~ 01 F-Forthcoming Forthcoming means… A. 直截了当的 C. 第四个过来的 B. 马上,立刻 ...

特别地强调城市区域中军事行动,是为了发展未来旨在进行“壁的去壁化”(un-walling of the wall)的技术和技巧(用戈登·马塔-克拉克的话来说)。[35]除了在物理上突破墙壁之外,一些新的方...

let's catch the speed rail where we're going/ We can even see the land even if it's snowing/ And we can use Alipay to cover all our tabs/ We won't have to worry about owing someone/ Or we can share bikes and have adventures at low expense/ Everyone...

enhancing strategies to research into what the call the “above average effect”, or “illusory superiority”, and shown that, for example, 70% of us rate ourselves as above average in leadership, 93% in driving and 85% at getting on well with othe...

例句:There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse. 不可否认 ,我们的生活品质已经每况愈下。 五、 It is universally acknowledged that + 句子~~ (全世界都知道……) 例句:It is universally acknowledged that trees are in...

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